Visual Paradigm 16.2

Visual Paradigm 16.2

Create visual designs and modify their elements
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award

Develop software projects based on visual designing patterns. Access a collection of tools for creating, editing, copying, and testing the elements of the project. Work with ML, BPMN, ERD, DFD, SysML, and similar types of content. Check the integrity of files.

Visual Paradigm integrates all the tools a software developer requires to manage an entire project from start to finish. From the early design stages to the final documentation, Visual Paradigm offers you diagram, UML modeling, business process modeling, requirements gathering, code engineering, and documentation utilities to perform and manage all the steps required to produce a successful development project.

Offering a well-structured and clear tabbed interface, Visual Paradigm has been devised to help you design, execute, and document your project in the most efficient and professional way. You can start by creating a visual overview of your project using any of the diagrams provided or by compiling as many use case statements as needed. Diagrams come with all the shapes, colors, connectors, and formatting options you can imagine, and they can be use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, class diagrams, etc.

You may also need to produce also a Business Process Modeling to represent all the operational steps required to fulfill the objectives of the project. Here you can play with events, tasks, and sub-processes to create a BPM diagram that will help you see an overall picture of the project workflow. You can document working procedures and animate business processes, convert tasks into sub-processes, and even add lower-level sub-processes to existing ones in order to visualize the entire workflow in the most comprehensive way.

Tools for gathering requirements from the user are one of the program’s main assets. You can identify use cases with use case statements, write use stories that express the real needs of the users, determine which of these requirements can be considered core features, create sprints with specific user stories, write user story scenarios, produce sketches of the system (or wireframes) to show to the user, and produce a professional set of requirements specifications in HTML, PDF, or Word.

Coding can be synchronized with your UML model via the program’s round-trip engineering. It works with Java and C++, so that you can generate code from a class model or vice versa.

At the final stage of the project is Documentation. Doc. Composer and Fill-in Doc (a mode of the former) will help you to produce attractive professional documents re-using all the information that you have been creating in the previous stages of the project – this draft document is called Doc Base. From here, you can fill all the blanks and make all the necessary changes without worrying about the layout, and without having to produce new diagrams or to re-write existing text. Visual Paradigm not only will save you loads of time with your development projects – it will help you to gather all the information you need and to produce high-quality code and documents in a much shorter period of time.

FM Senior editor
Francisco Martínez
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Review summary


  • Clear and well-structured interface
  • Covers the entire modeling process
  • Compatible with most IDEs
  • Interoperates with other CASE tools
  • Comprehensive development platform


  • None


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