v15.0 [Feb 28, 2018]
Wireframes is a widely adopted UX tool that allows designer and client to work together in identifying the content and functionality of screens. A wireflow makes UX even more effective by harnessing the power of wireframe and flowchart, creating a step-based UX diagram that illustrates the steps and decision points of particular scenarios and the possible navigation paths throughout these steps.
A wireflow is formed by a sequence of screens called 'scenes'. Depending on the level of detail required, you can create and embed detailed wireframe as a scene, or to compose a scene by choosing the components from the wireframe symbol library. 400 ready-to-use wireframe symbols are available.
As long as a user interaction involves alternate and exceptional cases, there are multiple paths of wireflow that can be navigated. To reduce the application complexity, the wireflow editor allows you to specify a particular path (or often called scenario) of wireflow to be animated, so that we can split a user feature to be in sync with the partition of a simple user story or testing scenario.
Besides animating a path in the wireflow diagram, you can also play the wireframes one by one as a storyboard slideshow. You can stay at a slide, navigate around the wireflow back and forth as you like. This facilitates deeper discussions on UX, which is particularly useful when people want to spend a bit more time on one or more scenes, or skip through some of them in the wireflow path.
v14.0 [Dec 20, 2016]
- Implementation Plan shows how a software project will evolve at a high level
PERT Chart: a popular project management tool used to represent, schedule and coordinate tasks involved in a project.
- Maturity Analysis.
- Documentation Cabinet.
- Color Legend for quick color coding and taxonomy.
- Fresh new Teamwork Server/VPository Admin. interface.
- Improved navigation.
- Business Concept Diagram.
- Directory View in Matrix.
- Support High DPI.
- Business Rule Management.
- Decision Table.
- Fact Diagram.
v12.2 [Aug 24, 2015]
Visual Paradigm 12.2 introduces a number of new features, which includes:
- New search bar
- Work on multiple turns by creating 'stages'
- Resource catalog
- Improved usability of Tasifier
- Management of shared diagrams in PostMania
- Team-based document templates and styles management
Enhancements to Visual Paradigm 12.2 includes:
- Supported showing the description of a model element with note shape
- Automatically create referenced container shape as mirror
- Automatically create the necessary project reference when I refactor a model element being referenced by another project
- Improved the performance in refactoring
- Supported setting direction for information flow in EPC diagram
- Supported allocationsize within sequencegenerator annotation
- Supported choosing template directory for REST API generation
- Supported integrating with Android Studio
- Supported defining Hibernate Configuration Properties
- Improved the performance of committing/updating Teamwork Files
- Supported wireframe in PostMania
- Supported "Search" in PostMania
- Supported disabling diagram link shared via PostMania
- Supported sharing diagram to someone by just entering his email (PostMania)
- Supported uploading avatar when accepting PostMania invitation
- Supported showing diagram viewers through Viewer List (PostMania)
- Supported specifying clustered Primary Keys
- Supported more options in diagram-based SQL generation
- Automatically set alt text to image in generated document
- Presented "Chart Relationships" in document generation outcome
- Supported storyboard in document generation outcome
- Supported document generation only for master views
- Presented "Chart Relationships" in Project Publisher outcome
- Supported storyboard in Project Publisher outcome
- Supported filtering elements with stereotype when construct matrix
- Supported showing elements count as tooltip in grid
- Supported creating transition between text and term when "Add text as term"
- Supported searching user story
- Supported the generation and display of ID in user story
- Supported opening a wireframe in non-embedded way when being opened from scenario editor
- Storyboard in user story
- Supported the use of constraint in defining guards for state transitions
- Supported connecting dependency to class member
- Supported more formatting properties in stereotype definition
- Supported highlighting preferred diagram type in New Diagram window when create sub-diagram
- Supported inserting action shape to control flow with split resource
- Enhanced the way of adding reference
- Handled model element reference in Excel exporting and importing
- Changed the Print feature from working in embedded window to popup window
- Supported Patch Update launcher
- Special way to activate subscription